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somewhere between a draft for the story line of a movie and listening to Žižek

August 11, 2022

From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, Series Number 22)

I read the 336 pages of Franzosi’s book as if it was somewhere between a draft for the story line of a movie and listening to Žižek (with his characteristic “philosophical bitchiness”). In a sense I am kind of like him (“emotional”), but even though I “envy” him/some of his stories, since I had never daughters who would give me mindful instances of such loving pleasure, I would still not see the point of making it “personal”. Why would people care about me not liking to comb my hair (I would rather shave my head), seeing it as an afeminated waste of time?, about not even owning a TV set, not being on social media and liking to sniff my girlfriend parts? Franzosi has not only post-mortem back and forths with Giordano Bruno, but speaks to “the people of 2520” (are we really going to make it that far?) and to AI robots. He even writes a “farewell to the reader” and, no, I didn’t find an “ode to the idiots who’ve read my book”. At times I felt like dropping it. I thought he was just joyfully making fun of his readers in quite a protagonistic way.

Many of Franzosi’s citations I found very interesting for my own reasons. Unamuno is also one of my favorite poets and he used stanzas from him one of which I didn’t like, agree with (animals are definitely sentient! (309)). Thank you! His not only metaphoric, but meta-metaphoric style of writing shamelessly cites other authors to back his points’ aspects in an encyclopedic way without actually explaining the big questions that started his points. Exempli gratia: one of his recurrent themes was “silence” (et/versus “emphasis”). Is he talking about what Quine calls “unspoken statements” (“Word and Object”, page 12)? Politicians, police and such are the masters of “silence” (their surrogate for -smarts-, they call themselves “intelligent” …). Our rulers know their thing about “silence”, no wonder they both dislike Trump and have persecuted Assange unrelentlessly.

When will the book about Fascism come out? More interestingly I would like for Franzosi to take the time to look into parallel narratives of repression (or “social control”, as “good Christian” “freedom lovers” call it). The kinds of political narratives underpinning ideologies deserve more study. A good example are the kinds of narratives being aired about Angela Merkel before and after Nordstream 2. So Russia feeds economic powerhouse Germany with more and cheaper gas, but simply because USG didn’t like the idea they easily mess with Germany and the whole of Europe even motivating the start of a war and once again (this time for a change!) “freedom loving” a country/people right in Europe! I also wonder if anyone has taken the time to study the media narratives from differing ideologies during “the winning end of the cold war by ‘Western democracies’” culminating with der Wende in East Germany.

The relation of texts/narratives to “reality” and how it influences people’s minds is a topic which deserves study. There have been three moments in the history of mankind in which we briefly stopped being “the V monkey”. Ancient Athens when they fought off invasion/enslavement by the hugely more powerful Persian empire for which they saw they needed to invent “democracy”, Florence during renaissance times when they invented “capitalism” and when Russia pretty much single-handedly beat the … out of Nazis (yes, the “later narratives” have been that “‘America’ won WWII for Europe” (as they told Solzhenitsyn!), computer wiz Alan Turing did by cracking the enigma machine, …). How did texts/narratives play into those historical moments? and, if they didn’t, then, what is the point of trying to “find”/rationalize any relevance in them?

I have always had a hard time taking seriously people who call inquiries into social matters “science” (meaning they share in the status of “-empirical- sciences”). Apparently as part of his confusion about what science is and means, Franzosi mentioned that there is also “silence and emphasis” in scientific reports (7) without qualifying his statement! (Did he mean the social narratives within the scientific reports wining for funds and such?) Lying and manipulating doesn’t make any sense whatsoever when it comes to -empirical- sciences. Anyone could set up and experimental rig and expose the nonsense. Now, psychologists say that “they watch behavior”!?! To me even computer related topics are more like carpentry. I don’t see the “science” in them. As a corpora research kind of tech monkey I totally misinterpreted the title of his book. I think of words kind of like pointers (the algorithmic construct in the C and C++ languages) in a reference global corpus of all that is done (not just written /said, kind of like Simmel) not as counting numbers. Many “social scientists” as they call themselves, use Math and concepts they adopt from the empirical sciences in ways that would strike as odd to actual scientists cultured on such matters.

Yes, there were alchemists (as part of the incipient “omne omne est”, “lege, lege, relege, ora, labora et invenies” mindset of the Zeitgeist, prior to the scientific revolution), but as Lennon used to sing “Imagine!” if Newton would have mixed his alchemical obsessions with his investigation about “natural philosophy” in his Principia. To me one of the best books ever written was Euclid’s “Elements” and, as in the case of Shakespeare, we don’t even know much about those authors.

Large part of the book is dedicated to coding. I would like to see a list of coding kinds of ambiguities and conflicts. From the corner from which I see reality coding is a dangerous form of cleverhansing. Why did Franzosi spend the time and funds coding when he seemed to have the actual texts in electronic form? Why not studying those text banks as corpora? Also, most importantly, “when you lose the original words”, you lose the web of connections among them which structure (their generality („das Hegelsche Allgemeine”), that is) are very important in determining and describing actions and motives. Where could I find the texts in Russian and Inuit that Popp and Colby used for their research about folktales?

I “feel” that, like in music, conceptual “silence” is meaningful. My three Ls are Spanish, German and English (shamefully enough, the three of them European) and (probably because I could say I grew up in a music school, I am not a visual person) even the space character doesn’t feel the same in my three languages (not even within the same paragraph in the same language). People who have read my poetry (hsymbolicus wordpress poems “lies …”) have asked me why do I leave blank spaces and at times obviously avoid exploiting basic adjective and predicative functions in language, why do I write in such substantive, “unfinished” ways … I wouldn’t exactly know why, but “silence” may have to do with it.


April 10, 2020

Escribo esto aquí (en este sitio ¿tuyo?) en parte porque hace un tiempo leí un post:

que me movitó a pensar en lo que Arkonada dijo. Como a los músicos (en mi caso semi- (Camilo, el hermano de Oriente)) a veces una melodía o un acorde se me mete en la mente y “a joder se ha dicho”. Me pasa eso también con las ideas. Y a veces el único modo de dejártelas es abordarla, dejar que te relajeen de algún modo. Además como que no me siento bien al ser cínicno con el ethos de tu obra.

Tu dices que “el mundo propio siempre es el mejor” (casiopea); la Biblia (Mateo 13:57) que: “nadie es profeta en su tierra” y me quedo con mi interpretación de la biblia porque si uno sólo ha viso una “cara de la luna” uno siempre se la pasaría como los lobos aullándole a esa cara o como dicen los yumas: “preaching to the choir” (literalmente “sermonear a su propio coro”: osea, uno se “convence” a sí mismo/otros en base a sus propias suposiciones y creencias). Bueno, también en una de las estrofas de una canción en la cual me dibujaste el alma (corazón desangrado) hablas de: “un corazón que se defiende de su vieja y usada maquinaria”. Mis “infiernos mejores conocidos” son Cuba, Alemania y el yuma (de hecho, ahora de vuelta en Alemania (me votaron del yuma también ;-)), noto cuan “yuma” mi mente se ha vuelto), pero siempre me ha llamado la atención como cada cual mira a “‘su’ luna”. Los temas y como se hablan de ellos son diferentes al punto de parecer, por momentos, que no hablan de lo mismo.

Cuando niño y joven lo que escuchaba era jazz y música clásica (mayormente las sesiones feralmente obsesivas de mi madre y hermano). Además, de por socialmente pertenecer a otra esfera (al “escoria”), como que uno vive en otro “mundo”. La primera vez que escuché tus canciones fue cuando Uds fueron a Berlín y mi hermano me entregó cuatro casettes y me dijo con una de esas cara que el pone cuando se trata de algo importante: “escucha esto”. Inicialmente, no entendí, pero después encontré fascinante (de un modo medio esquisofrénico, separadas del todo) muchas de las estrofas de tus canciones. Ahora de vejete ;-), “mi soledad” ha cogido a tus canciones de compañera(s ;-)), lo que ha sido muy saludable, lata y casi “medicinalmente” hablando (en momentos que, muy jodidamente, una vez más, he tenido que reempezar mi vida nuevamente). El otro día le hablada a una antropóloga que estudia el tema de las emociones preverbales sobre tu cancion: “días y flores”:


Click to access emotional_universals_wierzbicka06_1-2.pdf

Click to access srod_dias_et_flores00.pdf

Antes de terminar este “ostinato” te doy las gracias por haber “querido cantar un beso”.

Dein Kommentar wurde gespeichert und wird nach der Bestätigung durch den Blog-Inhaber sichtbar.
No se quién es Katu Arkonada, me baso sólo en lo que habla y especialmente questiono lo que dice sobre Trump. No creo que este sea el más feliz de los “puntos de vista”, pero, para “entender” el fenómeno Trump ayuda ver el asunto desde dentro (del “monstruo”). De hecho, dadas las opciones, yo creo que Trump es lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado al yuma, Latino América y al mundo.
> Crisis económica, pero sobre todo, financiera …

Esos datos estadísticos poblacionales y sus relaciones con aspectos “reales” son bién ilusivos. No necesariamente significan lo mismo que digamos la fiebre en un niño o el tiempo de caída de un objecto.

> El valor mundial de los mercados bursátiles, lo que Marx llamaba capital ficticio, …

Esa es una de las tantas banalizaciones de las que Marx ha sido objecto. Si el pensó que era “ficticio” (en el sentido que el autor al parecer asume), no hubiese dedicado su vida a estudiar esos fenómenos históricos y sociales, escrito antropologías y economías excelentes con respecto a esos temas.

> Estados Unidos … con una economía estable, en crecimiento, y un desempleo en decrecimiento, es el año de Trump.

una economía estable sí, pero lo interesante es notar en qué se basa esa (meta)”estabilidad”

desempleo en decrecimiento: cierto pero no sostenible y “empleo” hoy por hoy en el yuma tiene un significado totalmente diferente. Otro dato sobre los próceres de la libertad del que no se habla además de que para mantenerse en pie tienen que literalmente joder a medio mundo, es que tienen el índice de población penal más alto del mundo.

Cuando uno considera todos estos otros factores socio-económicos uno nota que esos numeritos no parecen vestir muy bien al muñeco que uno quiere imaginarse.

> Un Trump que se convierte en el tercer presidente de la historia de Estados Unidos sometido a un juicio político, tras Andrew Johnson (1868) y Bill Clinton (1998).

Las razones en el caso de Trump soy tan diferentes que la comparación no tiene el más mínimo sentido. De hecho a él no le han probado absolutamente nada. Aunque ha sido el presidente yuma más “atacado” y ridiculizado desde antes de ser presidente: desde publicar en periódicos importantes (the daily news or the Washington Post as I recall) fotos completamente desnudas de su esposa y madre de su hijo un mes antes de que fuese “la primera dama” hasta insinuar de que mantenía relaciones incestuosas con su hija, todas esas pendejadas alucinantes con respecto a los rusos, …

A Trump lo quieren sacar de la presidencia porque:

1) se ha, muy literalmente, limpiado el trasero con:
1.1) el status quo yuma
1.2) la prensa yuma

2) ha sido el único presidente yuma que ha aceptado sin tapujos y pretenciones los excesos y abusos flagrantes de la política exterior yuma en un momento que la nación entera le prestaba atencion y, lo más importante, -mientras era presidente-

// __ Trump: ‘You think our country’s so innocent?’

// __ President Trump’s Defense Of ‘Killer’ Vladimir Putin Sparks Backlash From Both Parties | TODAY

3) Trump ha renunciado a su sueldo presidencial (“what the heck is that nut job doing?” muy preocupantemente se deben questionar -todos- los políticos yumas), la corrupción en el yuma los políticos la han hecho “legal”

4) Trump le ha dicho -a la cara- y en público a los políticos yumas: “Uds me odian porque yo hago mi propio dinero, no me pueden corromper, no soy parte de la corrupción imperante en el gobierno yuma”

5) Ha despedido a oficiales de más alto rango de las así llamadas: “agencias de inteligencia” yumas, las cuales están y han estado totalmente fuera de control desde la segunda guerra mundial. Esos pendejos, inclusive se mofan de los políticos de más alto rango en el yuma. Ellos se creen más allá de la ley:

6) como sus tantos opositores han inclusive admitido no ha -empezado- ninguna guerra y ha evitado el escalamiento de otras

7) prometió que lo primero que haría cuando saliera presidente era derogar ese descaro alucinante llamado “transpacific trade agreement” (¡no habrían naciones ni pueblos, todo lo decidirían las corporaciones!: “con todos y para el bien de todos aquellos que pertenezcan a a la cúpula de las corporaciones”)

> Varias regiones del planeta se verán afectas por lo que suceda de aquí al martes 3 de noviembre, día de las elecciones presidenciales estadunidenses.

Mi pregunta sería: ¿por qué? ¿Por qué es que somos tan dependientes de lo que pueda o no suceder con los yumas?

Lo ideal que pueda pasar es que algún “Obama” sea elegido y después lo eligirán a Trump de nuevo. No es que defienda a Trump con sus diatribas racistas, xenófobas y sexistas tan locas que una amiga lo encuentra “gracioso”, ni que yo hubiese votado por él. Pero los yumas lo eligieron porque están bien sacados de onda con tanta corrupción y falta de transparencia de sus políticos.

Todos conocen a “trompoloco” en el yuma. El es un panga histriónico y bien parejero (algo muy raro en los yumas, pero lo prefiero así, este tipo de personas siempre a la larga hacen menos daño) al punto que caricaturistas lo utilizaron para sus ridiculizaciones por más de tres décadas antes de que se postulara para la presidencia:

// __ Cartoonist Garry Trudeau: 30 Years of “Doonesbury” on Donald Trump


De hecho, la gente creyó que era otro chiste cuando oyeron la noticia y se preguntaron si el vice-presidente iba a ser Dennis Rodman, otro personaje yuma bien histriónico. Hay personajes de grandes ligas bien transtornaditos en el yuma como Ann Coulter que dice ver al yuma declinar por que el futbol le ha empezado a gustar a la gente:

Rantings from Ann Coulter: Soccer’s Rising Popularity Represents America’s Moral Decline

y ¡esa misma persona se ha questinado públicamente el “estado mental” de Trump!

// __ Trump calls Ann Coulter ‘Wacky Nut Job’ over wall criticism

> Medio Oriente. El acto de inicio de campaña de Trump fue la reciente ejecución de Qasem Soleimani, general a cargo de las Fuerzas Qods, el cuerpo de élite de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica y principal responsable del combate al Estado Islámico en Irak.

Esa desición durante la administración de Trump por supuesto tuvo que autorizarla él (en el yuma el presidente es el “comandante en jefe”) pero fue una desición como todas “analizada” por el ejecutivo el gobierno yuma y basada en “abuso con riesgo calculado”. Lo único realmente novedoso es que los yumas lo han hecho “a la cara”, incluyendo amenazas nada solapadas a todos aquellos “que puedan estar haciendo algo que no deban” …

Por sólo citar a dos presidentes que habían sido democráticamente electos, los yumas anteriormente asesinaron a Jaime Roldós y a Omar Torrijos de un modo más “técnico”, algo solapado:ós

con Trump es al descaro. Si ese modo de proceder es algo bueno o no, creo yo que se relaciona más con “el arte” que con los hechos.


Lá mayoría de mis errores ortográficos y de redacción (que noto) son por el desmadre que mis tres lenguas me han formado en la mente, por teclear rápido usando un teclado en Inglés y editor en Alemán sin corrector (spell check) en Español y porque “el negro son bruto”.

Por respeto a quienes se meten en este sitio y a nuestra lengua materna, aquí va la errata y alguna que otra nota aclaratoria empezando por los errores “más peores entodavía”:

* me Botaron del yuma

* todos aquellos “que puedan estar haciendo algo que no debEn” …

* razones en el caso de Trump soN tan diferentes

* al ser cínICo con el ethos de tu obra (poética)

* “preaching to the choir” … uno se “convence” a sí mismo/otros QUE PIENSAN COMO UNO

* socialmente pertenecer a otra esfera (LA “escoria”, por razones inicialmente familiares que uno hace suyas propias “naturalmente” a medida que uno esculpe su ser)

* tu canciÓn

* desde Adentro (del “monstruo”)

* el ejecutivo DEL gobierno yuma

* una economía estable, sí; pero

* una de esas caraS (que conozco de mi hermano)

* La primera vez que escuché tus canciones (ATENTAMENTE quise decir)

* las estrofas (las líneas) en los versos de tus canciones como: “sueña la abeja y su edad” y algunos versos in tuti inmensamente y bellamente profundos como:

Entre las luces más bellas
duerme intranquilo mi amor
porque en su sueño de estrellas
mi paso en tierra es dolor.

Mas si yo pudiera serle
miel de abeja en vez de sal
¿a qué tentarle la suerte
que valiera su soñar?

* ni que yo hubiese votado por él: en Cuba no participaba en la farsa de la votación, en el yuma entendí claramente que es otra farsa. De hecho, el 47% de los yumas con edad electoral no participaron en la última elección que según dicen fue la más participativa

* “mi soledad” nunca me ha hecho daño. En realidad no me siento ni “sólo” ni mal aquí en parte porque los yumas le han encontrado el gustico a la represión (incluyendo la directa y física) y (nuevamente) tienen sus “brigadas de acción rápida”, el cederismo/la chivatería se ha destapado (mucho peor que en Cuba) …, sólo que forzosamente he tenido que: “buscarme de amante a la respiración” (bien somáticamente “sabroso” este estado psychológico) dada mi condición de asilado político aquí en Alemania y al parecer me podré quedar a vivir por estos lares, pero he extrañado a “los míos”, (e inesperadamente) “lo mío/mi nicho” en el yuma también.

* … no ha -empezado- ninguna guerra y a evitado el escalamiento de otras: de hecho, sus opositores más acérrimos se han visto sin argumento alguno y han tenido que inventar todo tipo de imbecilidades para “atacarlo”. En una ocasión [á|a]lguien criticando el racismo desfazchatado de Trump en contra de los “safe heavens” (algunas muy pocas iglesias en el yuma protegen los inmigrantes) admitió que Trump, comparativamente hablando, no había retornado a más inmigrantes “ilegales” porque la administración de Obama lo había dejado sin nada que hacer ;-)

8) los yumas tienen ciertas jodederitas elitistas y racistas. Se creen “naturalmente” superiores a otra gente, por lo que no hacen ciertos trabajos. Trump sencillamente los ha llamado “vagos”. Y al momento tenían un chiste de respuesta: “la demostración de que somos vagos es Melanie” (su esposa que es de Serbia). A ella han hecho extensivas todas las ridiculaciones (algunas muy irrespetuosas) hacia Trump, además de por ser “extranjera”, “un-American” se vuelve un blanco favorito. Los yumas utilizan el adjetivo “un-American” (no-americano) significando algo irremediablemente, desperanzadamente estúpido, inmoral …; osea, ellos son la misma definición de todo lo que es correcto técnica y moralmente en el universo. Ellos de verdad de verdad se creen que son el pendejo más largo y justo al lado del hueco del culo de Dios. Quizás, la mayoría de las personas son así. He sido desde jardinero hasta basurero y uno como que gradualmente le coge el gustico a esos “oficios” por siempre. Me ha seguido gustando hacer trabajo de jardinería y sigo mirando a, hurgando mentalmente en lo que otros ven como “basura” material y mentalmente hablando.

9) Trump también derogó el que la policía social en el yuma tenga armas militares de todo tipo. Algo que los militares trataron con cada presidente y sólo lograron con Obama


philebersole capitalism without a working class

July 13, 2019

Karl Marx and other socialists believed that capitalism depended on exploitation of workers

Actually this is a crass banalization of Marx’ fine historical analysis in order to give a basis to his theory of market valuation based on Hegel’s concept of the general “das Allgemeine”

… that workers could liberate themselves by taking control of the means of production

the “revolutionary” aspect of this idea was exaggerated by “Marxists” (Marx himself profusely clarified he wasn’t a “Marxist”), for reasons not all too “unreasonable”. Charles Dickens’ writings may read very “revolutionary” with a Marxist streak to them to us nowadays, he was just talking about basic humanity.

But the driving force in capitalism today is to eliminate workers as much as possible.

as a way to cut costs

Now service jobs are being eliminated through use of artificial intelligence.
The end result would be a capitalism without workers—just investment in capital goods such as robots and AIs.

However, you are missing an important aspect that I think is crucial. The actual problem does not really have to do with “isms”. It was more of a technological, now unstoppable trend that has now become reality. “We the people” have become the products to be sold, “engineered”, “traded on”, “disposable”, … because they have so much more detailed information about every aspect of every single one of us (quite literally one’s every move) than they will ever have about the products they could manufacture and the trends of the market. They have been even selling your prospective health trends to pharma companies without telling you and this is all fine in their “eyes”, they are “offering you a services after all” … (I think at the very least that should be part of what they use to call “informed consent”)

They used to sell products to people, now they sell people to products. I see that in small and big ways. My last example is: I got here in Germany (I had to leave the U.S. due to persecution to the point of USG gang attacking me just of expressing these kinds of ideas) one of those Aldi Talk SIM cards to be able to use my cell phone. Their service was rated, on an “as used basis” and, of course, I would take the SIM card out and use the bare phone when I was at a library offering free Wifi (I am even a bit afraid to say this …)

I wasn’t even able to use my phone not even once, however they are telling me “since I took the SIM card out they ate all my funds!!!” and they even talk like it makes total logical and ethical sense even though they don’t specify any of it on their contracts and I have never granted them the right to hack into my phone …

To me AI is some dangerously illusive b#llsh!t. I would call it the “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” of our times.

The kinds of dangers we will be facing are not related to ideologies and such cr@p, but our own device which in a sense, makes total sense.

cubaencuentro: Obama irá a Cuba… Ya yo fui

May 22, 2016

Obama irá a Cuba… Ya yo fui
¿Qué pasará cuando regrese Obama a Washington y la autoridad isleña se sienta sin compromisos?
Miguel Cabrera Peña, Santiago de Chile | 29/02/2016 11:41 am
<hr />
Miguel, bro:

soy cubano como tú, la gran mayoría de los que nos metemos aquí, los que decidan o no ir, cuán frecuente o por las razones que lo hagan. En mi caso particular, por decirlo así, hace más de 20 años (que definitivamente son algo) que estoy ausente al recuento en el combinado.

No entiendo cual es tu tanta molestia por “la humillación del ser humano” esa de que hablas, los problemas de “Barack Obama y del mundo democrático” …

La policía en Cuba actúa a la cara. Eso no es nada nuevo y vivir en el yuma (que según supongo pertenezca a ese “mundo democrático” del cual hablas) me ha hecho ver muy claramente que lo prefiero así a como actúa la policía en el yuma.

Como, según dices, trabajas para Radio Martí (se me había hasta olvidado) puede que “no me entiendas” o que el “trabajar” para ellos te halla “educado” tu entendimiento y poder de razionalización:
// __ Targeted Individuals: what the US .01% MUST do to avoid arrests for obvious crimes centering in war, money, lies

Zersetzung made in U.S.A.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes …

Aunque vivamos en la libertad hay algo que no dejamos los cubanos jamás: el ser orilleros.

Hace algún tiempo atrás (antes de Snowden) hablaba sobre los CDR en la “libertad”:

Como listo periodista y conocedor de la represión “isleña” que dices ser me pregunto como es que no notas el filón periodístico que tuviera semejante antropología comparativa. Pero, bueno, puede que eso no sea “democrático” o “responsable” como suelen decir en el NY Times.

Te digo, quiero que lleguen la “democracia” y la “libertad” a Cuba yá, pero me pregunto que alucinantes carajos le importa a Obama ni a ningún politico yuma esa “democracia” y “libertad” de que hablas en Cuba ni en ningún otro lugar …

Los yumas ni siquiera saben donde está Cuba “with both their hands on their @ss”



April 9, 2016

FBI’s “Shared Responsibility Committees” to Identify “Radicalized” Muslims Raise Alarms

The FBI’s plan to enlist community leaders in “Shared Responsibility Committees” all across the country with the goal of identifying “radicalized” individuals is raising alarm among civil rights activists.

“Shared Responsibility Committees” …

“SRC”. They just missed one letter and one permutation while comparing it with “CDR”.

They keep out-1984ing -1984 itself. Castro communism and Chávez socialists call them CDR, Nazi’s institutionalized Jewish Ghetto Police (not “Jüdische gemeinsame Verantwortung Ausschüsse”)

and Jewish people asked even Nazis for clemency from their brutality, but of course when we do it it is called “Shared Responsibility Committees” only freedom hating lowlifes would do such things as socially persecuting other people.

All building superintendents in NYC are forced by their landlords to double as snitches for the the NYPD (I doubt they get any money for “working” for them) and they have instituted something called “nexus” in NYC. Basically all business owners from University Departments to barbershops (including filthy bodegas) must include snitching cells for the NYPD/FBI.

The FBI’s ideas is to have social service workers, teachers, mental health professionals, religious figures, and others interdict young people they believe are on a path towards radicalization.

… and we will not only pay you to do “believe” young people are “‘on a path’ towards radicalization”, but we will leave to your own creative fancy the interpretation of what that “being ‘on a path’ towards radicalization” could possibly mean.

Sorry, since we are “responsible” we can’t share with you our own interpretations of “”‘on a path’ towards …” thing

Experts acknowledge the need to have options beyond sending young people to jail for making threatening statements.

Wouldn’t those self-considered “experts” acknowledge the need to do something about USG greatly surpassing the genocidal ratio of Nazi Germany during WWII?

Oh, wait! How is it they say? “if you see something, say something” so the problem may be those “experts” don’t see any of that.

Arun Kundnani, an adjunct professor at New York University and expert on U.K. counterterrorism policy, said he worries that the U.S. program would “suffer from the same problems, such as drawing non-policing professionals into becoming the eyes and ears of counter-terrorism surveillance, and thereby undermining professional norms and relationships of trust among educators, health workers and others.”

There goes U.S. Academia

Here you have NYU graduate Imam Khalid Latif

// __ Faith Under Fire: A Response from Imam Khalid Latif
even though I do see he is trying to soften animosity against Muslim people and from his position he could do that very well, I can’t understand at all how he could work for the police.

That to me is way more than enough to not even be able to listen to him in a physical sense regardless of whatever he says, how poetic he tries to sound and how “funny” he tries to be as part of his persuasive appeal.

Do you have to become a pig to defend justice? Probably he just finds cool dressing a NYPD uniform and wearing a taqiyah.

As he relates, he has found himself in really odd situations. He makes fun of the FBI and points out to them their hypocrisy, but he doesn’t see his own. Do you have to become a pig to defend justice, stand against abuse?

But this is completely contrary to both the experience of the U.K., where about 80 percent of Channel referrals are rejected as unfounded.

It is exactly that 20% they find very profitably substantial. They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

there are no predictors or indicators of who is going to become a terrorist

but they need “terrorists” (other than themselves) how on earth will they justify their salaries? I haven’t still gotten an explanation from USG as to why the have included me in the FBI criminal index.

USG: “Sorry, we can’t share with you our predictors or indicators, because if we do, then it will be all too clear we got them from the “personality profiles” from Nazi era and stasi psychopathic psychologists.

In fact there is no rocket science as to how USG has been using those “predictors” and “indicators”: the NSA stratifies the patterns of behavior of every one of us (super basic Math + data analysis + More Law’s when it comes to hardware) and if you show just a shred of “unnorm” or just “peculiar” individuality (for example, I don’t own a cell phone or TV set, nor am I on facebook …) they first start messing with you (breaking your car’s windows, switching lights on and moving things around in your apartment …), afterwards they make one of their snitches whom you are acquainted with come up to you or someone (dressed in expensive shoes …) stand on a street corner or place you regularly frequent and suggest to you to “share responsibility”; then, if you refuse to become a snitch then you become a “targeted individual” for the rest of your life, which includes character assassination and -physical- torture to you and your family members:

Law enforcement agencies faced with a mandate of preventive policing of terrorism cases say that they are often compelled to err on the side of making arrests

There wouldn’t be anything wrong with “erring on the side of making arrests” if they would apply it in a just way. What about implicating as terrorists those patriots killing at times hundreds of people without even knowing who they are (you just fit their pattern recognition metrics), just because they can?

Oh, no wait! Of course, those rules don’t apply to them because they are our glorious, patriotic freedom lovers! Also, they are not killing them they are just using high tech to degrade their biological live to a baseline physical one. Besides the people they kill are not even human beings to begin with. Are they describe by Western media as such?

There are a lot of attacks on heavy handed counterterrorism approaches, like informants and agent provocateurs, but that’s the status quo now until we have other options.”

… “until we have ‘other options'”?

But, Hughes said, the responsibilities of the interveners would need to be well defined

I keep suggesting to USG to come out of the closet. If you actually believe in something you should do it in the open and transparently.

Castro’s CDRs sport a big sign “in very street block” (“en cada cuadra un comité”).

If they have survived both an inhuman embargo (actually costing human lives) and such things as “freedom-lovingly” blowing up in mid flight a plane packed with teenagers

and the end of their life line: the fall of the soviet union, sporting a life expectancy higher than the U.S. and even Denmark, sure can gringos survive “terrorism” just fine

if SRCs are going to succeed. For instance, there are concerns that the social worker or mental health professional who fails to tell the FBI someone poses a threat before they go out and commit an attack might be held civilly liable by families of the victims.

this is past sarcasm, really callous joke!

“But the FBI is not listening to the community advocates, they’re listening to the people receiving grants, who are paid to put programs like this into place.”

How strange, right?

truth and peace and love,

Cuba …

January 31, 2016

Once I was talking to a Spanish friend (from Spain) who was talking in ways that showed she liked “‘her’ country” in a especial way (even using the possessive “my” referring to “country” doesn’t sound quite right to me). It occurred to me that I don’t think or feel “my country” in quite the same way, even though I don’t hate my people at all or dislike Cuba (the island in the Caribbean). In fact, I like my people for very particular reasons. I thought (and to a certain extent still think) that “love for your homeland” is another of the illusions fostered by politicians and such wholesale b#llsh!tt3rs for their own schemes. To me “loving your homeland” is like the childish playground stunt: “my mama is better than yours”.

Still, most people make a big deal about “your/their backgrounds” when in fact it is, like many other aspects relating to “social contracts” such as your ethnic group, religion …; contrived by factors you have no way of influencing whatsoever. You are whatever you are because of the reality you were given birth into by your mother, family; the cultural customs of the ethnic groups they belonged to …

OK, that doesn’t totally determine who you are, your own believes in an “A-implies-B” way, but it does frame your ways to see reality. I was married to a great woman who would repeat to me: “you ‘see’ what you -know-” I don’t totally agree with it and I have clearly seen this is only partially true. She was right. At some point we started to have conjugal problems and she recommended we both seek counseling on our own and as a couple. And, who am I to date to disagree with my wife!?! ;-), so I did go to see my “loquera” twice (even though to me it was total b#llsh!t). In our first visit, she asked me: “what brings you here?”. I explained to her that after having a (loving, yet) very tough mother, now I am dealing with a tough wife … She went like: ” …, but what is the problem? Most boys marry their mothers and they don’t even notice it … because, this is what they know”. When I told my wife about it she told me: ” …, but you are not supposed to take at face value what they tell you” ;-)

I grew up in the Cuba of the 60’s during the initial years of the Revolution, as part of a family of high-profile political dissidents, anarchists and musicians. When I was a little boy I thought being an “undesirable minority” was some sort of fastidious curse, chronic disease. Children do notice sh!t that doesn’t seem to be right, but you can’t understand why or exactly how so. Now I find it super cool and profitable since it put my consciousness on another level and made me wonder about the human condition from an unfavorably true perspective.

Some people say it is just fear. I know it isn’t, it is way more complicated than that. Yet, in a sense, I did despise my people for not fighting Castro. Something interesting that I find about my people is that they have endured 6 decades of dictatorship and still are “Cubans”. A generally good people known for their love for music and dancing.

// __ El Lado Oscuro de CUBA (1/2) (2/2)

When people talk about “Cubans” some people talk about us as a doomed people, some other as healthy and educated, as being unproportionally good in sports, sciences (Cubans are only 2% of Latin Americans and make for 11% of their scientists, Cuba has more doctors per capita than any other country …), but those would know us really would say that what really sets us apart is our sense of humor, our “bitchiness”.

Western people would not understand that I would not even know how to translate it. It is like the elaborate sense of sarcasm people have in NYC. It is called “choteo”, “cuero”, “jodedera”; a viscerally merciless way to poking people with jokes about their own believes, family … There was that Cuban comedian who said that “funerals turn out so badly because people don’t rehearse them” ;-). I remember people cracking jokes to the police while they were being handcuffed and even the Castros cracking jokes themselves and being angry about those “counterrevolutionary” jokes (right after their remarks jokes were running in Havana)

I think it was Chaplin who said that comedians are above politicians. Neurobiologists say the a good sense of humor is proof of a healthy brain/mind. Moreover, I can’t understand why the NSA spy on other people and goes about their Kremlinology, when just paying attention to people’s jokes is more than enough. Gringos seem to have a hard time with jokes:


// __ Jennifer Aniston Adopts 33-Year-Old Boyfriend From Africa

// __ Is Our Wealth Hurting Africa’s Feelings?

// __ Bloomberg Defends NYPD’s Controversial Stop And Kiss Program–a6-4

// __ Gap Unveils New ‘For Kids By Kids’ Clothing Line

// __ Queen Will Leave Behind Long Legacy Of Waving

// __ China’s Andy Rooney Has Funny Opinions On How Great China Is


They don’t seem to understand cracking jokes about themselves. They would find it “disrespectful”, “offensive”. They don’t even see the point of cracking jokes.

My people are exceptionally good a cracking jokes about themselves. Something peculiarly funny about Cuban people is that they name a cold virus “La Traviata” (Verdi’s) and argue about the importance of the Barroque in Latin America (as a way to criticize the government’s agenda)


// __ corto cubano, Utopía

// __ Nicanor O’Donnell (4) Homo Sapiens – 2006

// __ Nicanor O’Donnell (6) Brainstorm – 2009

// __ Película ” Alicia en el pueblo de maravillas ”

// __ José Martí: El ojo del canario



It turns out that was my neighborhood when I was a child I have been dreaming about lately so I tried to find pictures and here I am …

La Comunidad Hebrea is on I % 13 y 15. Why didn’t you show pictures of the whole building? They also own the large theater next to the synagogue.
I used to live on the other side of the same block J % 13 y 15. But we had ways to get there climbing walls. We kids used to fight for those areas ;-)

You don’t mention a pizza parlor Montecatini on J y 15. Does it still exist?

When I was a kid, aspie me knew and kept a mental map of everything, everybody, their dogs, … within a mile (all the way to el Malecón (I still miss the smell of the sea around Havana)). I kind of still wonder what happened to all those people and places?

Your impressions felt a bit like Karen Muller’s excellent documentary.

Now your impressions somehow got into my nostalgic dreams ;-)

Some of my best friends: Franklin, his brother Javier were Jewish (heck! What was the name of Franklin’s nice and true girlfriend? I have her name right now on the tip of my tongue (Eva?)). I did notice they were a bit different even though I didn’t quite understand how or why

Also, I did notice you have started to like Cuba too much ;-) it is true that people in Cuba love José Martí to an unhealthy degree, but Cuba is a “socialist” country ;-)

Thank you,

Demnach wird entschieden: …

October 19, 2015

1) Die Einreise in die Schweiz wird nich bewilligt

2) Das Asylgesuch aus dem Ausland wird abgelehnt

Response to Scheiz: 17923869 (abgelehnt 25, September 2015)

Iceweasel/Firefox browser JS console: The Intercept …

June 25, 2014

[22:11:01.243] Unknown property ‘zoom’. Declaration dropped. @
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Bim Adewunmi: The everyday microaggressions I experience as a black woman in Berlin

December 8, 2013

Reichstag building, Berlin
RE: Bim Adewunmi: The Guardian, Sunday 8 December 2013 15.00 EST
Bim Adewunmi in Berlin:”
OK, here goes the opinion of another English (, Spanish and German) speaking person, also with Yoruba ancestry (I was born black (more like multi-racial) in Cuba), who doesn’t exactly sport an Afro (more like kinky hair) and, mostly out of laziness, regulary shaves his head
I was last in Berlin (a city I would admit I have always liked even though I don’t like a bit die mittleeuropaische Zeit) a few years ago and I felt a bit like “where is everybody?” ;-) (people have told me I would feel the same if I visit Minnesota U.S.A.)
To a large extent it may relate to the fact that when I went to Germany it was as a student and I was “young” and impressionable, but I did learn the good in them, to the point of considering myself (by exposure) a bit “German”, even though German people/culture themselves could not even begin to understand why I found this and that “impressive” to begin with, for example German “Sachlichkeit” I love (maybe aspie me is conditioned to thoroughly love it) or maybe I just don’t see race or sex as political issues in general to begin with, but at some point I saw past what you call their “everyday microaggressions”
I remember right before I left my country that my father told me with a concerned face “not to get upset if someone called me black” and I wondered why would I get upset … “I am black after all” (it felt kind of getting upset for people calling me by my name and people in Cuba call each other “black” in a friendly, neutral way as if they were calling each other “dude” (in the U.S.)), but then I understood what he meant …
> I thought about something that comedian Dave Chappelle performed back in 2000, in which he says some encounters leave you feeling like you’re watching a scene from a movie.
Those kinds of “experiences” accompany all kinds of learning processes. Part of it is that German people (for example as they compare to gringos) are very disinhibited when it comes to their opinions even though they may not exactly be solicited.
You would not hear the end of it if I start telling stories about my experiences regarding “micro”, all-out, tacit, subtle, … aggressions. For example in my early tweinties days after I had gotten there while taking a shower I very anxiously noticed two girls that mindlessly came with their gossip and totally naked into the boys’ showers. I would not consider that exactly an agression, but I nervously and without knowing what to make of it walked out of there and, they noticing I was black, stopped their gossip to mercilessly eye me … then a friend of mine explained to me those girls simply heard the hot water running in the boys showers and didn’t feel like waiting for the cold water to run through the pipes during that super cold winter … and that they would not understand at all if I would try to make anything out of that chance encounter … As Catholic Polish people living in their common borders so well know German people like to free themselves of their clothes whenever they can probably thinking that just air exposure will tan them …
> The staring never really feels malicious, just curious and rude.
I can’t get how you can see anything rude in some kid’s reaction. Some old ladies once did a bet my (very dark hair) was a wig and pulled it exactly as you describe but in my case they kept talking to themselves unperturbed about the bet … In some other ocassion I took a long trip to listen to a children choir (I grew up in a family of musicians), but when I arrived they almost refused to sell me a ticket and keep explanining to me how I could take the bus back to Dresden ;-)
I did learn German pretty fast to the point of writing poetry in that language
before I did in my mother tongue (I found the language (and then languages in general) fascinating) and I have never protected myself from exposure and in addition to that I tend to be a natural Einzelgaenger, so I could understand from where they were coming from and let me just tell you that being loudly yelled out those pesky “BlutSchande” in a bus while I was there with my girlfriend by a group of youth was (the least to say) not nice. Even my “white” Cuban friends (some of them German descendants) were outraged when they experienced those personal (micro?) aggressions to themselves and other people, but I found them mostly stupid when they were (only and verbally) towards me and I could still see when the point was joking around, like that time while in a bar when I did notice two guys who came from behind some girlfriends and I did (physically) fight them. Police took all of us out and even though I was the one whom they had seen giving a blow to one of the guys (who kept joking about “me having two girls and them having none”) after it all was clarified (“Die haben meinen Arsch angefasst” ;-)) and even though they dind’t like exactly like “Scheisswauslaenders” they expelled the two guys from that nightclub
> In Alexanderplatz, almost a month to the day, another stranger plunged his hand into my afro and laughed. That night as I braided my hair out of reach of strangers’ hands, I double-checked the dates of my flight home. I can’t wait to be anonymous again.
After those experiences you won’t be ever able to be “anonymous” again even if you “go back”. I did spend in Germany 4+ very intensive years in that explains to a large extent why our experiences towards pretty much the same issues are so different, but I wonder if you had a chance to visit the Deutsche Museum where you could have seen how they will teach you about their own history (specially those dark Nazi past times, which is what we really want to learn about) next time (if you can and want) you should pay yourself a ticket to the U.S. and try to find anything resembling that level of honesty about their own history. I would suggest going to the National Museum of the American Indian in DC (they have many museums in the same area)
Im Detschem Museum you will see horrible torture, killing machines with extensive technical and historical explanations about those most despictable acts against humanity. When you ask gringos why aren’t their museums like that they ask you (I am not kidding you) “What do you mean?”, then they (those who know “what I mean”) tell you “… but doing this would be like accepting that that was right”, or the greatest of them all so far … “if you go to the museum of the U.S. military you will find out about how U.S. soldiers suffered the consecuences of using chemical weapons against the Vietnamese” … Now you don’t have to know so well about the proof of Goedel’s incompleteness theorems to be able to see the huge bug in that kind of thinking
Leviathan212: 08 December 2013 8:32pm
Leviathan212: the monarchy and the church made Britain a more tolerant place
> … But, I do think both the monarchy and the church have played a role in making Britain a more tolerant place.
to yourself, best ask people who were under British occupation and colonization about it …
truth and peace and love,


September 9, 2011

Silvio et al,
no hay prosa, ni poesía que justifique ni pueda (ni malamente) teorizar con alguna latitud técnica ni moral, que unos gobernantes se mantengan en el poder -en definitiva a la fuerza- y sean los tácitos dueños de un país entero y añado para aquellos (al parecer muchos) que ni alcanzan imaginarse eso; les aclaro que los Castros/el gobierno dictatorial actual en Cuba, son los dueños empresariales (de todos los centros de trabajos), de los medias (todos (¿4?) los periódicos, la radio, …), de todo el territorio juridiccional del país entero, sus recursos, determinan quién sale y entra al país, … (no, eso no vuelve a la gente de un país clínicamente loca, ni la “libertad” los salva de locuras y tamañas p3nd3j@d@s en nombre de “Dios”, la “democracia”, … (como he notado con los yumas))

Yo, lo confieso, hace buen rato que me he curado de todo tipo de p3nd3j@d@s trascendentales. En definitiva lo que importa es la gente. No creo ya ni en pioneros “por el comunismo” ni “por el capitalismo” tampoco. Un amigo me decía tan certera como jocosamente que al estilo beisbolero “en tres y dos”, que hay tres cualidades de las cuales los cubanos podemos tener sólo dos y ellas son: ser “revolucionarios” (oficialistas), ser inteligentes, y/o ser sinceros. Yo, como que muy naturalmente suelo categorizar a aquellos que opinan con respecto a Cuba entre dos bandos: los “con la revolución todo” y los “sin la revolución nada”. Tu, por ejemplo, perteneces al primer grupo y Montaner al segundo. Digo “categorizar” por falta de una mejor palabra, en realidad noto que unos y otros bailan al compás de la música de sus respectivas versiones de la(s) verdad(es); como que ambos grupos hablan idiomas/desde (referencias a) realidades no sólo bien diferentes, sino que olvidan, mientras disfrutan sus respectivas músicas/bailares, que en definitiva esa es, más que cualquier otra cosa, su opinión muy particular. Por momentos tengo dudas sobre hasta que punto son selectivos o sencillamente no “agarran/pueden agarrar” la volá. Se han hecho experimentos bien graciosos (que ni siquiera tienen que ver con asuntos políticos) en los que se ha demostrado que el ser humano ni piensa, ni percibe, sino que todo lo que mentalmente procesa es para guiarse a traves de/usarlo para “demostrar” sus ideas preconcebidas. Encuentro también asombrosa la rapidez y diligencia con que algunos de nuestros paisanos cambian de “palo” pa` “rumba” casi en el mismo compás.

Te digo algo, nuestros (culturalmente hablando) paisanos adinerad(it)os de Miami -genuinamente- se molestan y forman las algarabías solariegas esas que nos caracterizan (de bloqueaderas del highway y todo (que sacan de onda totalmente a los yumas con toda su “coolness”)) cuando ellos se ponen a joder a los balseros. Me gusta de nos que no somos cínicos, somos bien parejeros, (en general) no somos trascendentales. Cuando yo estuve en Guantánamo preso, muchos de ellos fueron a visitarnos y yo me preguntaba por qué esa gente decían que eran cubanos, si es que ni siquieran habían comido malanga en toda su vida @@ (es tan raro como que una persona (de nuestras generaciones) diga ser yuma y no saber quién es Frank Sinatra), de hecho el único modo de notar que son (al menos en algo) cubanos es porque cuando hablan Inglés de pronto soltaban bien clarito sus “comemierda” ;-) (aunque pudiesen haber dicho “@ssh0l3”). De esa gente los más reaccionarios son los que más escándalo forman pero lo que le da sentido a sus estupideces es que en realidad hay una dictadura que se mantiene en Cuba y que al parecer tu le encuentras alguna validez/legitimidad. Y, sí, en su gran mayoría son una récua de imbéciles y “perdedores” (¡algunos parecen haber estado por más de medio sigle de sufridores y/o al parecer no hallan nada que hacer! ¡Que imbecilidad esa de copiar discos (lo que además es ilegal) y pasarles una aplanadora por arriba!), bien atípicos y yo diría hasta tristemente risibles y contraproducentes, pero ¿por qué (al parecer tu, Pablo, …) le dan tanta importancia a esa gente? Cuba ni es Miami ni nunca lo será y los cubanos son en definita los que viven en la isla. La “democracia”/el capitalismo no tiene que ser estilo yuma, de hecho para mí las mejores logradas formas de socialismo son las de los fineses, belgas, holandeses (tiempo cordura medio-europea)

No hay nada, ni nadie “über Alles”, ni esa gente en Miami, ni su contraparte “todo con la revolución” en Cuba y estoy de acuerdo contigo cuando hablas a modo de critiar a Pablo de un “testimonio cotidiano de un hombre que, más por intuición que por sabiduría, nunca se ha creído infalible”. Pero, ¿por qué es que aunque no te das a ti mismo este beneficio y criticas a Pablo; sí se lo sigues concediendo a la dictadura que aún (des)gobierna Cuba y que al parecer se creen los único capaces de determinar/participar políticamente? Los polacos, rusos, sudafricanos, argentinos, chilenos, … se han safado de sus dictaduras y han arreglado/redefinido sus relajos. Los Sandinistas decorosamente lo entendieron en su momento, en Latinoamérica (casi en pleno con la excepción inminente de Guatemala) no sólo se han safado de sus dictaduras y ha habido un proceso de concientización general de “las masas” en nuestros países, sino (while they were at it) ¡han mandado al “Washington agenda” al carajo! (¡¡¡que rico que después de los dos términos presidenciales de Lula los brasileros eligieron a Dilma Rousseff!!!)

Si, al igual que a tí me molesta (inclusive desde varios puntos de vista) que los yumas le mantengan un embargo a Cuba, como bien dijo Kofi Annan los yumas están moralmente en bancarota. ¿Qué carajos les interesa a los yumas Cuba, Tamayo, los “derechos humanos”, …? (Y no hay animosidad en mi, lo pregunto muy latamente y “vivo en el monstruo”) ¿Por qué le dan tanta relevancia al capítulo cubano de “las damas de blanco”, cuando en el caso de las originales en Argentina ellos entrenaron, sufragaron y participaron directamente en las torturas (inclusive utilizando perros para abusar de ellas sexualmente)/les asesinaron/”desaparicieron” a sus familiares (a algunas inclusive las asesinaron después de esperar que dieran a luz para robarles sus recién nacidos)? ¿Dónde estaba la solidaridad de los “líderes de la democracia”? ¿Cómo es posible que le otorgen medallas por reportera (a sueldo ;-)) de la “verdad” a Yoani Sánchez (nada orillera/bien ovaruda ella, aunque la utilicen/sea super selectiva sobre lo que habla y (según creo aparentemente) naive/ingenua sobre lo que hace (y muchas veces ni logro entiender de qué carajos habla)) cuando mantienen preso a Bradley Manning ( por exponer la verdad sobre los abusos y el genocidio de los yumas que más que ha doblado el de los nazis? ¿Si es ellos defienden tanto a “la libertad”, cómo es posible que le teman despavoridamente a la verdad (al punto de exhortar pública y desfachatadamente desde su mismísimo gobierno porque asesinen a Julian Assange)? (Camilo López)

Tu dices (aunque desde un punto de vista poéticamente “cómodo” (Casiopea)) que “hoy sobrevivo apenas a mi suerte … el mundo propio siempre es el mejor” ( Yo, te digo, soy y sigo siendo un poco de todo lo que he (sobre)vivido (mi madre, mi niñez/adolescencia en Cuba, estudiar en Alemania, …, vivir en el yuma). Como dices en una estrofa de una de mis líricas favoritas, inclusive “he planteado con un verso una verdad” (lies …)

Yo pertenezco a la generación perdida, de los tantos que decidimos o no tuvimos otra opción que marcharnos. No se trata de un improvisado descargando sus jodederas somáticas contigo. Para serte más claro/darte una referencia más cercana, soy Camilo (hermano de Oriente/Afrocuba). Yo defendí lo que creí en su momento era cierto/justo y no le hice el juego a la mentira/los abusos de la policía/el gobierno ni en Cuba, ni lo hago ahora que vivo en “la libertad”/el yuma, además de que nunca he recibido un centavo de ninguno de los bandos y me ha salido de hecho bien caro:

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes …

Creo que es inevitable un violento bandazo a la derecha/”pro yuma” en Cuba, pero ¿a qué le temes? Tu poesía esta llena de esperanza e incitación a la condición humana. Habrá, sin duda un espacio para la muy vital necedad; para seguir uno defendiendo sus verdades/luchando en contra de las mentiras/los abusos.
